If you’re buying a building, opening a new business or thinking of making improvements to a building you already own, take advantage of our incentive programs:
Community Improvement Plan
Get Your Taxes Back!
Are you thinking of making an improvement to your existing buildings or are you thinking of developing a new Downtown asset? Either way, if your project results in a property tax increase, the City of Brockville’s Community Improvement Plan will rebate 100% of the incremental tax increase for a period of five years.
Brownfield Community Improvement Plan
This is another great incentive tool to promote development in designated areas of the downtown waterfront district. This program provides a number of financial incentives, tax concessions and grants to developers on the remediation cost associated with brownfield sites.
No Development Charges and Building Permit Fee Waiver
The City of Brockville will waive development charges and building permit fees for developments in the Downtown. This could mean huge savings for your Downtown project!
10-Year Interest-Free Loans
The 1000 Islands Community Development Corporation through the Eastern Ontario Development Fund they offer a 10 Year Interest-Free Loan up to $10,000 if you’re making improvements to your Downtown building.